Tuesday, 5 May 2020

Object Oriented Programming Features in Hindi

Features of C++

•Reusability- The code written in C++ for one program canbe used in another program of C++.

•Bottom-Up Approach- C++ may define functions and program data first and then integrate them together for use.

•Object Oriented Programming- C++ Provides mechanism to combine both data and the function of that data into a single unit, called object.

•Portability- Same C++ code can be compiled in almost any type of computer and operating system without any changes.

•Brevity- Code written in C++ is very short in comparison with other languages.

•Modular Programming- An application’s body in C++ can be made up of several source code files (called modules) that are compiled separately and then linked together.

•C Compatibility- Any code of C can easily be included in a C++ program without hardly making any change.

•Speed-The resulting code from a C++ compilation is very efficient, due indeed to its duality as high-level and low-level language and to the reduced size of the language itself.

Object Oriented Programming Features

-Emphasis on objects instead of problem solution

-Program developed around objects and classes.

-There are 4 basic features of object oriented programming:


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